Hazal Ocak worked as a correspondent for Cumhuriyet Daily. In 2014, she specialized in environmental issues, environmental policy, corruption and human rights about environmental. She documented illegal developments in Istanbul from dubious sources of money in her book “Ihanet”.
Press release
Press release

Amir Aman Kiyaro has been reporting for more than three years as a freelance journalist for the Associated Press (AP) on the armed conflict in the Ethiopian administrative zone of Tigray, as well as on the consequences of climate change in the region
Press release
Press release

Yavuz Ekinci is a Kurdish writer from Turkey. The Supreme Criminal Court in Istanbul sentenced him to a sentenced to a probation for his books and opinions: “As a writer, I am the soul, the memory and the conscience of our time.”
Julia Cimafiejeva from belarus was a direct participant and eyewitness to these events. In 2020, she took part in the peaceful protests in Minsk and read protest poems on Nezaležnasci Square. She reported on the deteriorating human rights situation in Belarus in numerous interviews, political and literary readings and on her Facebook page.
The podcast of the Hamburg Foundation.
Johannes von Dohnanyi introduces – but not only – current and former guests of the foundation.
- Shammi Haque from Bangladesh
- Kamal Chomani – We will not be silenced! The young journalist and analyst Kamal Chomani had to flee his homeland after opposing the referndum for independance called by the Kurdish leadership. Even though today he is living in Germany, the former guest of the Hamburg Foundation for politically perscuted people hasn’t stopped fighting for democracy and human rights just in Kurdistan. „Iraqi from all walks of life are fed up with the system!“
- Shahindha Ismail – No place form me in paradise!
- Heval Bozbay – „I have still dreams.“
- Farzad Pak- Filmproduzent – Oppression and restrictions only foster creativity
- Farida Nekzad: – Dark times are coming back
- Aleksei Bobrovnikov: – Ukraine: „Ich hasse es, wenn meine Informanten getötet werden“
- Tanya Tkachova – Belarus: „ Ich habe getan, was ich konnte“.
- Masrat Zarah – Kashmir: „Nobody is safe in Kashmir“
All episodes can also be found here:
38 years Hamburg Foundation for Politically Persecuted People
The Hamburg Foundation supports politically
persecuted people who, because of advocating
democracy, freedom and human rights,
find themselves in a dangerous, often life-threatening
situation in their native countries.