Arturo Alape (Historian, Columbia), Grant for Honorary Doctorate of Literature by the University “Valle” in Santiago de Cali (Colombia), 2003 · Alina Anghel (Journalist, Moldova), “Independent Journalism Center” Prize, Moldova, 2002, Freedom of Press Prize, “Reporters without Borders”, Vienna, 2005, Leipzig Media Prize, 2006 · Dododjon Atovulloev (Journalist, Tadzhikistan), “Canadian Journalists for Free Expression”, “Press Freedom Award”, 2001 · Libkan Basaeva (Human Rights Activist, Chechnya), “Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker” (Society for Threatened People), Victor-Gollancz Prize, Göttingen, 2004, Human Rights Prize, City of Weimar, 2005 · Sihem Bensedrine (Journalist, Tunisia), Amnesty International Media Award, London, 2001 “Arab Press Freedom Watch” Journalist Prize, London, 2002, Johann-Philipp-Palm Prize for Freedom of Speech and the Press, 2002 “Canadian Journalists for Free Expression”, “Press Freedom Award“, Toronto, 2004, Oxham Novib – PEN Award, The Hague, 2005, Index on Censorship, Freedom of Expression Award, London, 2006, Human Rights Watch Award, New York, 2011, Ibn Rushd Prize, Berlin, 2011 · Tamara Chikunova (Lawyer, Uzbekistan), City of Nürnberg, Human Rights Prize, 2005, National Order of the Legion of Honour, Republic of France, 2010 · María Isabel Gámez (Radio Journalist, El Salvador), “Sievershäuser Ermutigung” Peace Prize, 2010 · Taita Junusova (Feminist, Chechnya), “Sievershäuser Ermutigung” Peace Prize, 2006 · Yaqub Ibrahimi (Journalist, Afghanistan), Leipzig Media Prize, 2010 · Olga Kitowa (Journalist, Russia), Association of German Journalists, Freedom of Press Prize, Moscow, 2003 · Zeynel Abidin Kizilyaprak “Human Rights Watch”, Hellman/Hammett Prize, New York, 2005 · Pedro Matías (Journalist, Mexico), Johann-Philipp-Palm Prize for Freedom of Speech and the Press, 2010 · Hamid Skif Granted title of “Chevalier des Palmes Académiques” (Knight of the Academic Palms), for exceptional contribution to French culture, awarded by Prime Minister, Jean Raffarin, Paris, 2003.